
(On the retirement of Michael Gove; who has, since 2010, been Secretary of State for Education.. then Justice… then Environment… then Housing and Local Communities, and who played a key role in selling brexit to British voters. More cosplay outfits than Barbie’s Ken, and a head like a Pez dispenser.)

Gove - click here for spoken word audio

Off goes Gove
That slythy tove
With a self congratulatory smirk
And eulogising his “chance to serve”

Meanwhile in crumbling schools
Students grapple with fronted adverbials
Ed Sec Gove had no time for building renovation
Too busy imposing a pastiche Victorian curriculum

For in fourteen years of government
He’s headed nearly every department
And now, while he retires to rest
They’re left cleaning up all his mess

There’s little hope of justice sought
Justice Sec Gove closed all the courts
Plus privatised probation fails
And no space in overcrowded gaols

Our environment’s in disrepair
DEFRA Sec Gove did not much care
He was issuing new coal licenses
While our rivers flow with filth and faeces

Tenants still fear unfair eviction
Entirely lacking legal protection
Housing Sec Gove failed to legislate for 
What he repeatedly promised to outlaw

For a while, too (I’m not making this up)
As the “Minister for Levelling Up”
He pretended to care about regional inequality
Just not enough to address it substantively

Posterity will remember him
Primarily for just one thing
He was fanatical about Brexit
The bonfire of the experts

So off he goes
That slimy Gove
An elder statesman
For a ruined nation

If it were down to me
We’d put retiring tories to sea
Incarcerate them on Bibby Stockholm
And prosecute them for national vandalism

(C) PolemicAlex 2024