The Grandly Titled House Of Lords

The grandly titled House of Lords

Isn’t fit for purpose

It lacks electoral legitimacy

And its membership’s a circus

It stands there grandly over us

With much accompanying pomp and fuss

Hubris and vast excess

It’s utterly ridiculous

That the House of Lords (how very grand)

Determines the law of the land

To be signed by the monarch’s hand

Before it can on the statute stand

For its members aren’t elected

They cannot to be ejected

And the population is not reflected

In the individuals selected

There’s Lady Owen of Alderley Edge

Who was just 29 when she swore her lordly pledge

She could be lawmaking for fifty years plus

Without the indignity of asking us

Dressed up in her ermine frill

A tenure to compare with Churchill

He who fifteen elections won

How many has she won? None!

They made her a milady and in she went

To rule over us with no consent

Sat in the mother of parliaments

It’s undemocratic and I dissent!

And there’s Lord Cruddas, worth almost a billion

Of which he gave the tories just three million

But that’s sufficient to buy a space

Among the hundreds in this place

Establishment cosplay

For those who can pay

The legislature of the nation

Sold for political donation

They got money, too, from Lady Mone

But she’s more than made it back again

Whatever it cost her to get in

Was investment seeking a return

Through VIP lanes and WhatsApp chats

In this nursery for tinpot oligarchs

It’s just easier to open doors

When you’re walking the right corridors

How did Lord Lebedev get in?

He owned the press politicians were coveting

But surely that must be coincidence

It can’t be why they make appointments

Against the will of MI5

Who fear he’s a Russian spy

But maybe we need not much care

For in truth he rarely shows up there

Lords and ladies, in they went

To rule over us with no consent

Sat in the mother of parliaments

It’s undemocratic and I dissent!

The Bishop of Winchester is appointed by the king

That’s all it takes to get him in

He’s no earthbound temporal

For his lordship is spiritual

His place comes ex-officio

So, while in office, he can go

And make up laws for everyone

Of any religion, or none

Lord Ashton of Hyde, the fourth baron

Sits in the lords like his fathers before him

By dint of his heredity

Or at least that is how it used to be

Now hereditary peers, though special election

Are the only lords who get voted on

But only they can stand and vote

In their bizarre aristocrat ballot

Lord Goldsmith is baron of Richmond Park

The name he chose is a bit of a lark

He used to be Richmond’s actual MP

Until his electorate chose for him not to be

He was discarded only momentarily

Within a week he was elevated summarily

To the greatly tainted House of Lords

Where they don’t do elections at all

Lords assembled! In they went

To rule over us with no consent

Sat in the mother of parliaments

It’s undemocratic and I dissent!

Claret benches packed with the PM’s favourites

Plus those invited because they paid for it

Some going there to retire comfortably

Others anointed by their deity

With hereditaries elected in self selecting farce

And failed MPs elevated after voters kicked their arse

In an endless roll call of the inherently wrong

“Next up? Here’s Lord Cameron!”

It’s a corrupted, conflicted entity

A level of stupidity

The likes of which one doesn’t see

In any comparable democracy

America’s Senate

Legislates for a continent

With one hundred members voted in

But in peripheral little Britain

An ever expanding appointed cast

Fills our bloated upper house

New Zealand’s upper legislature

Used to be appointed similar

Considering its function

They decided there really was none

So they simply abolished it

And they’re doing fine without

Even in places that

Are ruled by an autocrat

Who doesn’t with elections fuss

They still manage to do it better than us!


Is an absolute monarchy

The king appoints his legislature

But unlike those appointed here

He has the power, the Swazi king

To kick his appointees out again

In Bahrain

It’s a bit the same

The king appoints his upper house

It’s no more democratic than ours

But appointment there is for a fixed term

Not, like here, for a life time

And outside of London

The legislative holy man

Is found in no place other than

The Papal Seat of The Vatican

And the Islamic Republic of Iran

With their intolerant theocracy in Tehran

The grossly turgid House of Lords

Has no redeeming features to record

Just cronyism woven through it

No matter how you view it

Atop British democracy

Sits a relic of antiquity

Appointments made opaquely

And dished out arbitrarily

Each membership for eternity

It’s a palpable absurdity

No pretence of legitimacy

Robed ennobled mediocrity

Squatting there for all to see

A source of national ignominy

Yes the grimly tarnished, grotty, tatty, gaudy, tawdry House of Lords

Isn’t fit for purpose

It lacks electoral legitimacy

And its membership’s a circus

(But, to finish sounding more upbeat

At least Dorries didn’t get a seat)

(C) PolemicAlex 2023